Hello. Welcome to another episode of Thy Truth. I’m going to share with you six hard signs that they do not love you anymore. Don’t waste your time. And they never will. Don’t waste your time. Now loving someone can be easy. Depending… Loving someone can be hard. Also depending… We know relationships are not a walk in the park.
When it comes to a true relationship it takes commitment, communication, respect, and all that jazz. But I always say when you’re in a relationship it should never take more than you can give or more than you can happily give. Are you in a relationship where the person in question their heart of love isn’t in the relationship like yours? You can clearly tell that you are the one invested in the relationship.
I’ve talked about this before, but because of the questions I got recently, I am showing some hard signs. Now, sometimes we get distracted We let our thoughts and heart and mind get clouded by their words or some actions that mask their true intentions. But when someone doesn’t love you, you’ll know their signs. It’s right there. Look at the signs.
1. They Don’t Put Any Effort into The Relationship
They don’t put any effort into the relationship. And you know it deep down, it’s been one sided for so long. You can feel everything falling apart. And they don’t care. They’re not trying to make it work. It doesn’t matter to them. You don’t feel close. You pretty much just exist. There is no communication and no life in the relationship. No love, no effort. They don’t love you anymore. Or they never did. They never loved you. Maybe
2. Dismissive behaviour
When you love someone, you respect them. When you love someone, you do not resort into being mean or being in assaultive. Imagine being in a relationship with someone and they are trying to communicate with you, confront you about something, or just simply communicate and you resort into to being mean and insulting. You start to use demeaning words or give this demeaning behaviour towards them or you’re being dismissive. That’s a sign they don’t love you and they never will
3. Their words do not match your actions
Number three, their words do not match your actions. So true. They say, I love you, but it’s it feels empty. It’s void of emotions, it’s void of feelings, of true feelings. True love means being there in words. And in actions. Imagine telling someone you say you love. Oh, I love you. You’re my world. You’re my life. And the next moment they are sleeping with your best friend. Come on. That can’t be love. No. Yes. No, it’s not. Look, I Oh, my. No, no, no, no. If you don’t have the actions to back there, I love you. Or rather if they don’t have the actions to back the. I love you. Forget it. It’s all empty.
4. They get irritated easily
Number four, they get irritated at the slightest. The make you feel unworthy, the make you feel less of a person. And the truth is, maybe they’ve already realized that they don’t love you. And they don’t know how to how to feel or how to tell you how they feel. So, they get angry. To get irritated, they become uncaring. This is their own sort of like defence mechanism of some sort. They never will love you.
5. They do not love you because they cannot love themselves
Number five, they do not love you and never will because they cannot love themselves. People who fail to address certain deep traumas, they’ve gone through something or they’ve they’re struggling with mental health conditions. Or sometimes it’s unknown to them. They might not be capable of loving another person. They might not be capable of connecting with another. And most of these partners become abusive in their own way.
Imagine a couple. The husband is super competitive towards his wife, and she was wondering how can the Bible say two shall become one and one person is being petty and competitive? It’s something you grew up with. It is something that is parents, according to him, taught them. So, they’ve always been very competitive between siblings and it became part of him and didn’t realize that he was projecting this part of him to his partner. And it pretty much tore the relationship. While some go through other sort of toxic relationships because there’s some, I know some who love drama they love to fight. They love it when it’s all known bloody. It’s the way they get the thrill, you know, from being toxic sometimes is something they do not understand is something that’s being in them. So I always say with these sort of people, you cannot expect them to love you when they have not dealt with their own issues.
6. They can’t love you because they are wicked
Number six, they can’t love you and never will because they are just bad people. Believe it or not, some people are just wicked. Some people are just bad. They enjoy hurting others. They don’t care. It’s a game to them. Whether it was out of trauma. Or whether it’s part of your DNA, God knows. I say it’s a game to them because they would probably lead you on and use you for your own needs. Use you for their own gratification. They just hurt people. These people just hurt people.
Now, there’s so many other hard signs to take note of, but I always say this: “It’s better to be alone than miserable with someone who does not want you in your life.” Don’t force it. They don’t love you. They don’t.
Thanks for listening. Have a good one.
Meet you again at another episode of Thy Truth.
Finding Your Truth with Efemena