Gamophobia is the fear of being in a committed relationship or the fear of marriage. Many reasons lead to gamophobia. Learn from five tips on how to deal with gamophobia.
There are some people who are gamophobic. Is it OK to be scared? Is it normal to be scared of making decisions that relate to relationships? Yes. It’s normal to be scared.
There Are Many Reasons For Gamophobia
Many people are scared for various reasons. Some might just be scared of the unknown. Some see others in terrible relationships, in toxic relationships. It makes them afraid to get into a relationship, or they have been in one before. There have been in a relationship that was toxic and terrible. And this just scares the sugar out of them.
It is OK to be scared. I am. I know, I am. A painful breakup could do that to you. A painful divorce could do that. Childhood trauma could do that. Even adulthood trauma may prompt you to be gamophobic.
You can overcome the fear of commitment!
The question is, can you overcome that fear? I’ll say yes. Yes, but only if the person in question desires to overcome the fear. Let’s say you really want to overcome it. You want to be in a committed relationship, but you’re just scared. You don’t know how to. So how do you overcome it? How does anyone overcome this feeling?
1. Why Are You Scared?
Number one, you need to know why you’re scared. First, you need to know what scares you about being committed. Is it that you’re afraid of getting hurt? Are you afraid of falling for the wrong person? Do you fear that things might not work out? Does this have to do with trauma from your past, or does it have to do with a difficult breakup, family history, experiences from your childhood? Firstly, you need to know what are the reasons. You need to know why you are afraid of being in a committed relationship.
2. Face And Accept Your Fear
Number two. In addition to understanding and finding out why you’re scared, you need to face it. You need to face and accept that fear. I mean, running away or, you know, avoiding it is, seems like a very easy way to avoid it. But when you face it head on, that could help, if you want to overcome it.
3. You Are The Architect Of Your Happiness
Number three, understand that you come first. Don’t rely on others to make you feel good, to make you feel better, to make you feel happy. You are the architect of your happiness. Therefore avoid co-depending on people. Once you allow them into your life, chances are that they will disappoint you. Chances are that they will hurt you. So, put yourself first. That helps.
4. Avoid Relationships That Feel Like Prison
Number four, understand that you are not in a prison when you decide to be in love. So, avoid relationships that make you feel like you’re in a prison. Avoid relationships that are possessive or make you feel like you’re stuck in one place, like you can’t breathe. Avoid that because that’s just a recipe for disaster.
5. Be With Someone Who Has Similar Values
Number five, be with someone or connect emotionally with someone who shares similar values. If you decide to say, OK, I want to be in a committed relationship, it’s better to be with someone who actually shares your values. It makes things a lot easier.
6. Surround Yourself With People Who Are In Healthy Relationships
Number six, be around people with healthy relationships. Now, healthy relationships doesn’t equate perfect relationships. There is no perfect relationship. But if you’re around people who are in toxic relationships or, you know, it’s only natural that it will make you withdraw. It is going to make things worse. But when you’re looking at healthy relationships, that might help you overcome your fear. It might give you the feeling of hope. Remember, healthy relationship does not equate perfect relationship.
In all, I hope you’re able to overcome the fear. I hope you find yourself and I’m hoping that you find love. And most of all, you find your happy place.
Thank you for reading. Have a lovely one!
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Finding your truth with Efemena
Further Reading
If you want to learn more about gamophobia, please follow these links:
• What Is Fear of Commitment (Gamophobia)?
• Fear of Commitment or Commitment Phobia?